About Us
Our Mission
Meet Our Game Masters
Explore Our Venues

Guiding Principles


Like the Naga of Bhuddist traditions, we approach gaming from the perspective of guardians. We seek to nurture and grow interest in social gaming by providing opportunities for the seed to take root - both in the imaginations and experiences of players, and in physical venues in our wider community where people meet and connect through their shared love of gaming.


Our association and our events are open to all, and are intended to be safe spaces. We do not believe in gatekeeping our hobby - we see it as something that brings joy and the further it reaches, the greater the enjoyment of all who are called to participate. All who participate in the spirit of shared positive experiences are welcome among us.


We champion the unique and invite the novelty of the individual within our ranks. Tolerance of difference, willingness to listen and an open mind for alternative views and experiences are all ideals we aspire to as members and as a group. Every gamer and their individual approach to both gaming and life is valid and deserves equal respect.


Our organisation strives to conduct itself in a manner that is transparent and accountable. Our members are encouraged to voice their opinions  and see their needs and wants considered as a part of the association. Our elected leadership look for every opportunity to encourage participation in the organisation. All of our management decisions are subject to member scrutiny and we have a strong commitment to engagement with all members in our approach to administration.


Our members are naturally creative. They create characters, stories, worlds, adventures and games themselves. We are guided by the concept of being creators in the pursuit of our hobby and seek to be creators - creators of opportunity, of community, of shared experience. Our connections with other gaming groups and organisations create broader, interconnected communities. Our connections with local businesses and government provide opportunities for our members to broaden experiences and support local gaming suppliers and benefitting from choosing to act locally.