About Us
Guiding Principles
Meet Our Game Masters
Explore Our Venues

Our Mission

Connecting People

We aim to be an organisation that provides an environment for like-minded people to connect and share experiences through the medium of social gaming. NAGA intends to connect like-minded gamers, helping them find games and groups within the association, based on personal needs.

Gaming for All

We seek to provide gaming experiences that are inclusive and safe for all who enjoy the hobby. Our events are planned and executed in a manner that is inviting for anyone. We champion diversity, continually seek community input and work with other local organisations to ensure gaming accessible for all who identify with the hobby.

Creating Third Spaces

We seek to provide opportunities for gamers to find Third Spaces. We are aware of the need for all people to find a sense of belonging outside of the workplace and the home and recognise we are part of a group of people who look for opportunities to experience that Third Space through gaming and roleplay, storytelling and creation. 

Enduring Passions

NAGA members appreciate the art of collaborative storytelling made possible by tabletop roleplaying. We look to provide new players of all ages the tools to gain experience and grow the hobby about which we are so passionate. We value the connective potential of shared play, and look to nurture the interest of new generations, especially as the digital realm encroaches on both our leisure pursuits and our ability to connect with fellow humans.